Experiments with Antlr

[ java  antlr  ]
Written on June 1, 2019

At work, I’ve had reasons to look into Antlr recently and decided to do some experiments in a stand-alone project to get some experience with it. Antlr is a parser generator - I played with something like that way back when in college, but that was bison and yacc. I’ve also implemented some parsers for our data formats when working on games, usually with straight up C++ or Python code.

Anyway, Antlr is a joy to work with, especially with the IntelliJ plugin. In order to get to grips with using it, I implemented a simple expression calculator in Java.


As always, the source code is up on GitHub.

The calculator should handle simple expressions, such as:


In addition, I want it to handle variables in the expressions:


Finally, it should handle functions:



The Antlr grammar for this is quite simple:

grammar Calc;

expression      : term ((PLUS | MINUS) term)* ;
term            : factor ((TIMES | DIV) factor)* ;
factor          : signed_factor | xfactor ;
signed_factor   : (PLUS | MINUS) xfactor ;
xfactor         : paren_expr | function_call | value ;
paren_expr      : '(' expression ')' ;
function_call   : function_name '(' (expression (',' expression)*)? ')' ;
function_name   : ID ;
value           : variable | number ;
variable        : ID ;
number          : NUMBER ;

PLUS            : '+';
MINUS           : '-';
TIMES           : '*';
DIV             : '/';
ID              : LETTER (LETTER|DIGIT)*;
LETTER          : ('a'..'z')|('A'..'Z')|'_';
NUMBER          : DIGIT+ ('.' DIGIT+)?;
DIGIT           : ('0'..'9');
WS              : [ \r\n\t]+ -> skip;

Generating code

In order to do something with the expression, beyond looking at a parse tree in IntelliJ, we need to have Antlr generate the parser code. In my project, I’m using Gradle, so it handles the details of getting the Antlr runtime.

Here’s my build.gradle file:

plugins {
    id 'java'
    id 'antlr'

version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'

sourceCompatibility = 1.8

repositories {

task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
    gradleVersion = '4.10'

generateGrammarSource {
    arguments += ["-visitor"]

dependencies {
    testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.12'

I’ve opted for using the visitor pattern for evaluating the expressions, as opposed to a listener pattern. Antlr supports both, but by default only generates listener classes, hence the added visitor argument.


To evaluate an expression, I’ve implemented the CalcEvaluator class, extending the CalcBaseVisitor that Antlr generates:

public class CalcEvaluator extends CalcBaseVisitor<Double> {
    private Map<String, Double> variables = new HashMap<>();

    public void set(String name, double value) {
        variables.put(name, value);

    public Double visitExpression(CalcParser.ExpressionContext ctx) {
        double accumulator = ctx.getChild(0).accept(this);
        int childCount = ctx.getChildCount();
        for (int i = 1; i < childCount; i += 2) {
            int op = ((TerminalNode) ctx.getChild(i)).getSymbol().getType();
            Double nextTermValue = ctx.getChild(i + 1).accept(this);
            if(op == CalcParser.PLUS) {
                accumulator += nextTermValue;
            } else if(op == CalcParser.MINUS) {
                accumulator -= nextTermValue;
        return accumulator;

    public Double visitTerm(CalcParser.TermContext ctx) {
        ParseTree child = ctx.getChild(0);
        double accumulator = child.accept(this);
        int childCount = ctx.getChildCount();
        for (int i = 1; i < childCount; i += 2) {
            int op = ((TerminalNode) ctx.getChild(i)).getSymbol().getType();
            Double nextTermValue = ctx.getChild(i + 1).accept(this);
            if(op == CalcParser.TIMES) {
                accumulator *= nextTermValue;
            } else if(op == CalcParser.DIV) {
                accumulator /= nextTermValue;
        return accumulator;

    public Double visitSigned_factor(CalcParser.Signed_factorContext ctx) {
        int op = ((TerminalNode) ctx.getChild(0)).getSymbol().getType();
        Double value = ctx.getChild(1).accept(this);
        if(op == CalcParser.MINUS) {
            value = -value;
        return value;

    public Double visitParen_expr(CalcParser.Paren_exprContext ctx) {
        return ctx.getChild(1).accept(this);

    public Double visitNumber(CalcParser.NumberContext ctx) {
        return Double.parseDouble(ctx.getText());

    public Double visitVariable(CalcParser.VariableContext ctx) {
        return variables.get(ctx.getText());

The visitNumber and visitVariable rules are very simple - extracting the number from the text of the node or using the text of the node as the lookup key into the variables map.

The visitExpression and visitTerm methods are quite similar to each other, using an accumulator to accumulate the value. We know from the way the rules are set up that every other child in the parse tree is an expression - the nodes in between are terminal nodes for the operator.

The grammar is intentionally laid out to make the visitor methods easy to implement. If you find that a visitor method is getting complicated, it may be worth revisiting the grammar, adding helper nodes to get Antlr to generate more methods that will in turn be simpler to implement.

Here is an example of how to use the evaluator:

class Calc {
    private static double eval(String input) {
        CodePointCharStream stream = CharStreams.fromString(input);
        CalcLexer calcLexer = new CalcLexer(stream);
        CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(calcLexer);
        CalcParser calcParser = new CalcParser(tokenStream);
        CalcParser.ExpressionContext expression = calcParser.expression();
        CalcEvaluator calcEvaluator = new CalcEvaluator();
        return expression.accept(calcEvaluator); 

If there are variables in the expression, their values can be set on the calcEvaluator before passing it to the accept method on the expression. The same expression can be evaluated multiple times without parsing it again, to calculate it multiple times with different values for the variables.

Using lambdas

For the use case of repeated evaluations of the same expression with different variable values, there is another approach. We can use another visitor class to generate a lambda function that evaluates the expression. This should be more efficient, as we’re not traversing the whole parse tree every time we want to evaluate the expression.

public class CalcLambdaGenerator extends CalcBaseVisitor<CalcLambda> {
    public CalcLambda visitExpression(CalcParser.ExpressionContext ctx) {
        CalcLambda accumulator = ctx.getChild(0).accept(this);
        int childCount = ctx.getChildCount();
        for (int i = 1; i < childCount; i += 2) {
            CalcLambda current = accumulator;
            int op = ((TerminalNode) ctx.getChild(i)).getSymbol().getType();
            CalcLambda nextTerm = ctx.getChild(i + 1).accept(this);
            if(op == CalcParser.PLUS) {
                accumulator = (ValueStore vs) -> current.evaluate(vs) + nextTerm.evaluate(vs);
            } else if(op == CalcParser.MINUS) {
                accumulator = (ValueStore vs) -> current.evaluate(vs) - nextTerm.evaluate(vs);

        return accumulator;

    public CalcLambda visitTerm(CalcParser.TermContext ctx) {
        CalcLambda accumulator = ctx.getChild(0).accept(this);
        int childCount = ctx.getChildCount();
        for (int i = 1; i < childCount; i += 2) {
            CalcLambda current = accumulator;
            int op = ((TerminalNode) ctx.getChild(i)).getSymbol().getType();
            CalcLambda nextTerm = ctx.getChild(i + 1).accept(this);
            if(op == CalcParser.TIMES) {
                accumulator = (ValueStore vs) -> current.evaluate(vs) * nextTerm.evaluate(vs);
            } else if(op == CalcParser.DIV) {
                accumulator = (ValueStore vs) -> current.evaluate(vs) / nextTerm.evaluate(vs);

        return accumulator;

    public CalcLambda visitParen_expr(CalcParser.Paren_exprContext ctx) {
        return ctx.getChild(1).accept(this);

    public CalcLambda visitSigned_factor(CalcParser.Signed_factorContext ctx) {
        int op = ((TerminalNode) ctx.getChild(0)).getSymbol().getType();
        CalcLambda f = ctx.getChild(1).accept(this);
        if(op == CalcParser.MINUS) {
            return (ValueStore vs) -> -f.evaluate(vs);
        return f;

    public CalcLambda visitVariable(CalcParser.VariableContext ctx) {
        return (ValueStore vs) -> vs.get(ctx.getText());

    public CalcLambda visitNumber(CalcParser.NumberContext ctx) {
        return (ValueStore vs) -> Double.parseDouble(ctx.getText());

CalcLambda is a simple interface:

public interface CalcLambda {
    double evaluate(ValueStore values);

The ValueStore class is a simple wrapper for a Map, with set/get methods.

Note the similarities to the CalcEvaluator class - the visit methods are basically the same, except they return a lambda that takes in a ValueStore and return a double. The visitExpression method uses a similar accumulation approach, except it’s building up a chain of lambda functions, rather than calculating the numeric value as it goes along.


I set up a simple benchmark to compare the performance of the two approaches. The benchmark evaluates this expression:


I set up two arrays - one for x values and one for y values, as well as an array with the expected results from the expression. The I time two loops, one using the CalcEvaluator and one using a lambda compiled with a CalcLambdaGenerator. I ran the loops 10 million times.

    private static long timeCalcEvaluator(CalcParser.ExpressionContext expression, double[] xValues, double[] yValues, double[] expectedResults) {
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        CalcEvaluator calcEvaluator = new CalcEvaluator();
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VALUES; i++) {
            calcEvaluator.set("x", xValues[i]);
            calcEvaluator.set("y", yValues[i]);
            double result = expression.accept(calcEvaluator);
            if(abs(expectedResults[i]-result) > 1e-6) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Bad result");
        long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        return endTime - startTime;

    private static long timeCalcLambdaGenerator(CalcParser.ExpressionContext expression, double[] xValues, double[] yValues, double[] expectedResults) {
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        CalcLambdaGenerator lambdaGenerator = new CalcLambdaGenerator();
        CalcLambda calcLambda = expression.accept(lambdaGenerator);
        ValueStore vs = new ValueStore();
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VALUES; i++) {
            vs.set("x", xValues[i]);
            vs.set("y", yValues[i]);
            double result = calcLambda.evaluate(vs);
            if(abs(expectedResults[i]-result) > 1e-6) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Bad result");
        long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        return endTime - startTime;

The CalcEvaluator came in at 10.5 seconds, whereas the lambda was at 7 seconds.

Next steps

The lambda approach is certainly faster, but it is still pathetically slow compared to Java - evaluating the same expression in Java came in at just under half a second.

Next up I want to take a look simplifying the expression before generating the lambda. The lambda shouldn’t be accumulating constant values at run time - that should happen when compiling it.

I also haven’t covered the function calls - my goal is to allow registration of functions with the CalcLambdaGenerator - currently the sin function is hard-coded as the only recognized function.